Economic Profile

Economic Development in the City of Fullerton is a key ingredient leading to the success of our community today. Helping local business and outside companies looking to relocate to the City of Fullerton through various incentive plans, tax abatements, and resources, with the overall goal of enhancing the City of Fullerton through the promotion of economic growth. 

Basic economic activities in Fullerton include farming, cattle feeding, tourism, retail sales and agricultural support industries. A variety of businesses are available in Fullerton, including a gunsmithing shop, motel, convenience store, sporting goods, quilters and fabric store, clothing store, two medical clinics, two assisted living facilities and a new independent living complex. Distance learning was made available in the classrooms.

Major Employers
Fullerton Public Schools
606 4th Street
Fullerton, NE 68638
Phone: (308) 536-2431
Arbor Care
202 N Esther Street
Fullerton, NE 68638
Phone: (308) 536-2488
Central Valley Ag
425 N Broadway
Fullerton, NE 68638
Phone: (308) 536-2424
Valley View Assisted Living
915 7th Street
Fullerton, NE 68638
Phone: (308) 536-3390
Archer, Daniels Midland
52551 Highway 14
Fullerton, NE 68638
Phone: (308) 536-2233
Loup Power District
310 3rd Street
Fullerton, NE 68638
Phone: (308) 536-2421

How can you help out? Shop local and buy local! It is amazing how it will sustain a community.

For further economic development information, visit the following Web sites: